mercredi 11 avril 2012

" Hit the road "

Hey !

Quelques photos prises sur la route de la Bourgogne à la Haute-Savoie et vice-versa le week-end dernier. Quand on a quitté la Bourgogne, il faisait beau, en Haute-Savoie il a plu quasiment tout le week-end. Quand on est repartis de Haute-Savoie lundi, il faisait beau, en Bourgogne il faisait mauvais. Pas de chance !
Here are some pictures taken on the road from Burgundy to Haute-Savoie and vice versa last week end.
When we left Burgundy, the weather was fine, in Haute-Savoie it rained almost all week end. When we left Haute-Savoie on monday, the weather was fine, in Burgundy it was bad. Bad luck ! As if the weather was telling us "Hit the road !" "Let the sun shine !" 
Bourgogne / Burgundy
