jeudi 14 octobre 2010

Ode to my family

Chanson des Cranberries et séquence souvenirs (dont je ne me souviens pas d'ailleurs, j'étais trop pitite !) avec ma môman et mon pôpa ! <3

A Cranberries' song and a bunch of memories (which I don't remember since I was way too young !) with my mummy and my daddy !
 My mother, my mother
She hold me, she hold me
When I was out there
 My father, my father
He liked me, oh he liked me
Does anyone care ?
But I miss you, I miss, 'cause I liked it,
'Cause I liked it, when I was out there.
A mon Doudou qui me manque et que j'aimerai toujours... 
Et à Meandie... Mes toutous, mes amours.

To Doudou and Meandie, I miss them and will always love them... My lovely dogs...

1 commentaire:

Melanochess a dit…

Et à Tequila aussi maintenant.